
Easy and Delicious Recipe of Creamy Chicken Soup

Easy and Delicious Recipe of Creamy Chicken Soup


1- 4 cups of chicken stock

2- Chicken meat 1/4 cup (boiled and shredded)

3- Butter 2 tablespoons

4- Garlic (chopped) 1/2 teaspoon

5- Cream 4-6 tablespoons

6- 2 tablespoons of corn flour (dissolved in a little water)

7- Salt to taste

8- White pepper powder as per taste

9- 1 pinch of Chinese salt


1- First of all, add butter to a saucepan and heat it well.

2- Add chopped garlic and chicken meat fibers and fry them.

3- Add chicken stock, salt, white pepper powder, and Chinese salt and cook on high heat for 10-15 minutes.

4- At the end, add the whipped cream, lower the heat, add the cornflour, and cook for another 3-4 minutes.

5- The delicious creamy chicken soup is ready. Pour into a serving bowl and garnish with cream.

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